Friday, March 12, 2010

Hi everyone, I posted a new episode to my podcast, Jennelle Fontaos Podcast. Please click the link below to view it. See you there! - Jennelle

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ipad Makes its debut at the oscars!

No, Apple didnt win a stature but the sure made themselves to be present in the 82 annual academy awards! Apple debuted their first Ipad ad. Very exiting stuff. The ipad as seen in the commerical is being advertised as a laptop shown in many situations to be used the same way you would a laptop. So why buy an Ipad as opposed to a computer? The touch screen the cheaper price calling out to you? Essentially i think this is for people who dont want a computer they just want something that does the simple things a computer does, email, music, readings, etc. It's so pretty! If apple is good at anything it is marketing themselves. their advertisements sell you with any product. I know they are going to make a bundle off of the Ipad just like everything else. Ipad will be available in stores April 3rd. You can check out the new ipad ad on youtube!

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Its funny, I created my Me and had a good time doing it. The other day, my husbands friends were over and happened to see, well., Me! They were dumbfounded. They couldnt believe that the Me itself captured who i am about. My cousin on the other hand, thought I should have gone a completely different direction. his reason was, if you are going to create your self in a virtual reality world go big or go home! Be goth, be a rocker, be a prep! be anything BUT yourself! that got me to thinking of how many people really do express themselves over virtual reality games. Its being able to be someone who you want to be but are to afraid to be in this reality. I never felt the need to really express myself in that way, but I think im going to give it a sot-it can be really freeing i think. I usually create avatars that represent me, in a sense ive have always thought, well its me why would i lie? why would i be someone else? but now, with my cousins input i understand why so many people are turning to games like the sims or even the WII!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Kevin Smith/Twitter

When this story first broke I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe that southwest airlines asked Kevin Smith to get off the plane because he was a safety risk and essentially telling the man he is to fat to have just one seat. what I was even more i shock about is that TWITTER is what broke this story with his tweet blasting the airline. The story spread all over the Internet and local news stations of what occurred between smith and the airline. It is incredible how quickly something travels with just 140 character long tweet. It spread like a wild fire!!! It is mind boggling how quickly that spread. but it did. Southwest airlines must be doing a great amount of damage control, because everyone seems to be on smiths side. there was a way to handle that differently other than kicking him off and making an announcement in front of all the passengers! how embarrassing for smith! You know what the funny part is? I dont even think he is that big!!! I hope he tears them apart, what happened to him shouldn't happen to anyone and the airline should be embarrassed for what they did to him!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

2009 engadget awards!

You know, maybe im naive, but I had no idea there was awards for the best and worst technological products of the year. I guess im more into the grammys and Oscars. But thats a completly different blog! The products that won, some are only obvious-mac taking most antcipated product of the year with the tablet and winning for best home entertainment device-the PS3 slim. Some of the products that didnt do so well include the ipod shuffle 3G with worst gadget of the year. This list in very little words sums up all the coolest and hottest gadgets out there. Everything you need to look at in order to have the coolest and hippest stuff is on that list-from cameras, computers, tablets, and cell phones. Engadget knows what they aretalking about im personally interested with what won for best digital camera of the year, the canon EOS MArk IV. It does seem to be a bit bulky but my hobby is photography, I love to take pictures, and this is something to really look into!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Twitter Use Explodes!

Many people have been saying that Twitter's popularity has been declining. WRONG! In reality there has been more Tweets on twitter than ever before. Tweets have reached a record breaking 50 million everyday! Twitter measured over 600 tweets per SECOND-that is alot! in the time it takes you to read this blog over 100,000 tweets have been posted. Twitter launched in 2007 with a mere 5,000 tweets per day-which is nothing compared to the 50 million that is being recorded. In 2008 there were about 300,000 tweets per day and in 2009 there were up to 35 million per day. Facebook is still the most popular social networking device with people updating there statuses by about 60 million per day. Myspace is now a thing of the past. Do you still check your myspace? Myspace fizzled out when facebook took over. I cant help but wonder if facebook and twitter will do the same. there are thousands of social networking sites springing up constantly, who is to say that they wont become a thing of the past? I am personally really surprised at twitters popularity. I mean all it is, is status updates..... It in no way offers as much entertainment and games as facebook does yet it is now the second most popular social networking site. How do you feel about twitter? are you a user?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Let's go to the movies!

Movies are a past time of mine. I love watching film and even television where you are completely taken away by the writing and the cinematography - especially the actors. There is nothing like when an actor takes your breath away by their performance. It is amazing to me how an actor can completely embrace their character and become something or someone completely different. I love it when a movie or a performance makes you think. Bad movies make me so mad i cant stand it! what i cant stand even more are the bad actors who are in them who ruin the movie. We all know the only reason they are there is because they are good looking! Ahhh, gotta love Hollywood! Of course i am guilty of going to see a movie that i know wont be great just because someone i find extremely attractive is in it. anything with Matthew maconahay, tatum channing, mark walhberg I will be there, just because they are so yummy. but that is neither here nor there. There are actors that i will go see their film because i am so taken a back by them. Leonardo dicaprio, johnny depp, daniel day luis, are just a few to mention that i will go to see their movies just because they are that great. I LOVE FILM, I LOVE GOOD ACTORS- Let's go to the movies!!!!!

One Minute Film

I have always loved production. It is something that stirs something within me that just makes me and keeps me exited. From thinking up of an idea to then deciding how you are going to execute your plan. It starts off from an idea to then becoming a great production that will be around forever. Our concept of our one minute film is following a local band collect footage from them and create a one minute piece which will encourage people to support their local music scene. The guys from the band, When Titans Fall, were exited and one band member even had goosebumps when the end result was viewed! It is amazing how something a team of people have created can inspire and stir emotions within others. there is no doubt in my mind that all though media is used for bad-that it would have a greater effect if people strive to create things for good-to pass along a positive message or thought. I have edited things before and I am quite certainly one who is a perfectionist when it comes to editing. All in all, about four hours was spent editing the one minute film together. Even though that might seem like alot for most people, i enjoyed every single minute of it!

Monday, February 8, 2010

3D TV-Coming Soon, to a home near you!

It was only a matter of time before we were able to enjoy Avatar at home just as we enjoyed it in the theaters-in 3d. Im not talking about those flimsy paper glasses that come in your cereal box but the real deal 3d glasses. According to entertainment weekly, all major manufacturers will begin distributing their product this summer. The system will consist of a box and of course the 3d glasses. The active shutter glasses flicker over each each eye so only one is inputting visual information at a time-the good thing about this of course is that they create high quality images and the at home tech required to make this work is cheaper. of course with the good comes the bad and the glasses are probably going to be expensive from the 50-100 dollar range. You may think what else can i watch other than avatar with this 3d device? will i get full use out of it? is it even worth it? Well DIRECT TV jumped on the bandwagon and will be introducing 3- 3D channels starting this summer. Two of the three 3D channels will be a sports channel and a discovery channel. Although the concept seems really cool, i just don't think i will be wanting to buy this- i simply wont get enough use out of it. I'm simply not interested that much... now if Apple made it, that may be a different story!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gotta Love Technology

You know, I dont know if I realized how easy technology makes our day to day existence. Twitter, facebook, texting, emailing... It makes it so easy to stay in touch with people i feel that there is no excuse to NOT stay in touch. Especially after this week, my very own appointed week from hell i realized that without all these various outlets of technology it would be a million times harder to stay in touch and share important information. Now, the downside to having all these ways to communicate and chat is that it can be very ADDICTING! I am on facebook on my handy Iphone 24-7! its hard when i am sitting around all i seem to do is now check facebook and twitter! I wonder if i am going to find a happy medium. I am so grateful i have these many outlets to keep in touch but at the same time, am i going to become a mindless drone who is always connected? Stay Tuned, and i guess we'll find out!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Everyone is now aware that I am a huge apple fan. Anything I can spend money on that is apple affiliated i am there. I have anticiapting and waiting and longing for the Apple tablet and its officially finally here. And I gotta say, although at first I was all like I NEED ONE immediatly, now i think i can hold off a bit. I do have a few problem,s with it. first off the name. I cant stand it its like so feminine hygiene.... it sounds like Ipad brought to you by always with WINGS! It does seem like a giant Iphone, so do i really need an ipad? I just want it!!! itsa so pretty!!! I will say that i am going to wait until the second or third generation in order for apple to work out all the kinks. Thats the power of branding will do to you-get you to buy things you may not really need!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


It can be said that James Cameron's new movie, Avatar is a love story, an action movie, and even a war film, while all of this rings true, I think the main story trying to be delivered is that we are all connected. People, humans, animals, all interact together-to survive. Since fourth grade i have not thought much about the fact that because of plants, and trees we breathe. This movie shifts everything and put everything back into perspective even if it is for a day. The film really did inspire me to reconsider the beautiful surrondings i live in that i on a daily basis forget about. Our technology, our way of living as society, is costing us our enviroment-our planet. after this? there is no other planet! The message is beautiful, not only the love for the enviroment and the idea that we are one with the earth. I loved the fact that instead of I love you, they say I see You. I see you, the REAL you. Mind Body and Soul. Its a wonderful way to consider how you love and see people.
The film itself I will say is a story line that we have seen time and time again, but the way it was made-so visually stimulating, the creativity found in the animals, and pandora makes up for it. I know i would have been bothered about the story line if i did not have all these different aspects of the film to enjoy. There was always something to look at, never a dull moment. Goes to show that you dont have to make a movie like saw to make more money than you can count. I have to say, Avatar is now up on my list of favorite movies. It inspires me to be better as a person especially when dealing with mother nature.... if you'll excuse me im off to water my plants... I'll SEE you!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Apple Owns...... ME.

I have to admit, Apple owns me and runs my life. Living without my iPhone any day would be treacherous. I cannot imagine owning anything but an apple computer-simply put, they are the best! My ipod, is my best friend. I simply cannot live without music, and my ipod makes it possible to have music constantly blaring in my ear. I will probably buy anything Apple throws my way.... even if i don't fully understand it. For example, the much anticipated and very secretive Apple tablet... I have to admit, I do not fully understand what it is used for yet i know that i probably buy it. I am anxiously awaiting and anticipating for the next apple event, which will take place on January 27th. This day, Apple will probably introduce an array of improved products that will be SCREAMING at me to SPEND YOUR MONEY! And I will. The truth is Apple products make my life easier, make my life happier. My iPhone keeps me connected to the whole world while providing endless hours of entertainment with their countless amounts of applications. These applications, entertain and help educate. There is an application for everything! For example, there is a application called bar max made especially for lawyers that cost 1000 dollars!! It is an application that provides students with countless amounts of study materials and audio lectures to help students pass the California bar exam. Apple thinks of everything and everything to help enrich our lives while doing it in a very sexy way. You have to admit all apple products are the most aesthetically pleasing products out there. All im saying is this, all you PC users.. you got it all wrong! Mac is the way to go. After all, "There's an APP for that!"

Check out the article on the most expensive APP out there!|main|dl7|link6|

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Techno Trends

I just had my first class, and must say i am exited for the upcoming semester. Techno Trends is really going to teach me new things-considering i am not up to date with all the new technological trends because i don't understand them, it'll be great to learn the different things that are now available to us. In class this week, we had to set up a Twitter account which i am not all to crazy about but I'll give it a whirl. Another thing I am really exited about is the one minute film contest. When this was announced my interest was even more peaked and I can't wait to actually start on it. It really is going to be a challenge but i am really looking forward to it. In general I am exited about learning about how far we have come and where we are going. We are growing and moving at such a fast rate its almost daunting to think about. Technology is here to stay and is only going to continue growing-might as well get with the times! All in all, I think it is going to be a great class that I really am going to benefit from and learn a ton of new things.