You know, maybe im naive, but I had no idea there was awards for the best and worst technological products of the year. I guess im more into the grammys and Oscars. But thats a completly different blog! The products that won, some are only obvious-mac taking most antcipated product of the year with the tablet and winning for best home entertainment device-the PS3 slim. Some of the products that didnt do so well include the ipod shuffle 3G with worst gadget of the year. This list in very little words sums up all the coolest and hottest gadgets out there. Everything you need to look at in order to have the coolest and hippest stuff is on that list-from cameras, computers, tablets, and cell phones. Engadget knows what they aretalking about im personally interested with what won for best digital camera of the year, the canon EOS MArk IV. It does seem to be a bit bulky but my hobby is photography, I love to take pictures, and this is something to really look into!
I am surprised to hear that the iPod Shuffle 3G was named "worst gadget of the year."