You know, I dont know if I realized how easy technology makes our day to day existence. Twitter, facebook, texting, emailing... It makes it so easy to stay in touch with people i feel that there is no excuse to NOT stay in touch. Especially after this week, my very own appointed week from hell i realized that without all these various outlets of technology it would be a million times harder to stay in touch and share important information. Now, the downside to having all these ways to communicate and chat is that it can be very ADDICTING! I am on facebook on my handy Iphone 24-7! its hard when i am sitting around all i seem to do is now check facebook and twitter! I wonder if i am going to find a happy medium. I am so grateful i have these many outlets to keep in touch but at the same time, am i going to become a mindless drone who is always connected? Stay Tuned, and i guess we'll find out!
I agree it's addictive, but it makes me wonder in the same time - is there a limit? What will happen by the end of the decade, how diverse the tech world can get and how it will affect us. Maybe people will miss the simple life and start being selective with these new gadgets - who knows...