Movies are a past time of mine. I love watching film and even television where you are completely taken away by the writing and the cinematography - especially the actors. There is nothing like when an actor takes your breath away by their performance. It is amazing to me how an actor can completely embrace their character and become something or someone completely different. I love it when a movie or a performance makes you think. Bad movies make me so mad i cant stand it! what i cant stand even more are the bad actors who are in them who ruin the movie. We all know the only reason they are there is because they are good looking! Ahhh, gotta love Hollywood! Of course i am guilty of going to see a movie that i know wont be great just because someone i find extremely attractive is in it. anything with Matthew maconahay, tatum channing, mark walhberg I will be there, just because they are so yummy. but that is neither here nor there. There are actors that i will go see their film because i am so taken a back by them. Leonardo dicaprio, johnny depp, daniel day luis, are just a few to mention that i will go to see their movies just because they are that great. I LOVE FILM, I LOVE GOOD ACTORS- Let's go to the movies!!!!!
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