It can be said that James Cameron's new movie, Avatar is a love story, an action movie, and even a war film, while all of this rings true, I think the main story trying to be delivered is that we are all connected. People, humans, animals, all interact together-to survive. Since fourth grade i have not thought much about the fact that because of plants, and trees we breathe. This movie shifts everything and put everything back into perspective even if it is for a day. The film really did inspire me to reconsider the beautiful surrondings i live in that i on a daily basis forget about. Our technology, our way of living as society, is costing us our enviroment-our planet. after this? there is no other planet! The message is beautiful, not only the love for the enviroment and the idea that we are one with the earth. I loved the fact that instead of I love you, they say I see You. I see you, the REAL you. Mind Body and Soul. Its a wonderful way to consider how you love and see people.
The film itself I will say is a story line that we have seen time and time again, but the way it was made-so visually stimulating, the creativity found in the animals, and pandora makes up for it. I know i would have been bothered about the story line if i did not have all these different aspects of the film to enjoy. There was always something to look at, never a dull moment. Goes to show that you dont have to make a movie like saw to make more money than you can count. I have to say, Avatar is now up on my list of favorite movies. It inspires me to be better as a person especially when dealing with mother nature.... if you'll excuse me im off to water my plants... I'll SEE you!
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