Whether or not you agree with this film, whether you loved it or hated it, one thing is for sure.... it made you think! So many different things were presented that I think not many people have thought of or realize. People live their whole lives blaming other people and "mysterious forces" they cannot control for the way their life is going. Of course, if they are complaining it is because they are not completely happy with their life. At the end of the day... YOU are responsible for your life and what it is today. You and only you are responsible for the majority of things that happen and it is in your power to make a change. Your life is what you perceive it be, it can be great or terrible. I liked the fact that one of the doctors being interviewed said he wakes up and plans out his day- visualizes it, and because he does that he creates his whole day and that is how is day turns out. I am going to start doing this and make some changes in my own life. The idea of God, emotion, addiction, was explored in a very interesting way-some things i don't agree with but it really opened my mind.
I really enjoyed learning about Dr. Emoto's water study. It was so fascinating- do you really need more proof to show you that a way of thinking can change you? Your thoughts can really affect your physical reality. I am a firm believer of positive thinking, but this study surely solidified that way of thinking for me.
I also liked the way the film was made-there were three different film techniques- it was a documentary as well as a narrative film with actors and even had cartoons! I really enjoyed this because just when i thought my head was going to explode with the talk of quantum physics the narrative began again and relieved some pressure. I would defiantly hands down recommend this film to a friend, they can hate it if they want-but i think intellectually everyone should be challenged and this is truly a way to do it.
This movie has got me thinking about more than I can handle. I agree that it did make us think, which we should do. We are to consumed in our world that we forget what life is really about. We need to take charge of our lives and do great things.