This game has unbelievable graphics and a great story line. I really enjoyed sitting there and watching the game play as it happens-usually i am not into that but i have to say, I was completely sucked in. It really did feel like i was watching a movie not just because the graphics were so amazing and realistic, but because the story line drew me in and got me emotionally involved. They days of video games not getting you emotionally invested i think in the near future are a thing of the past. I believe video games like this one are doing a better job at keeping everyone emotionally invested-even if you aren't playing! Another thing i really like in the game was the woman's role. She was a bad ass who did not need a man to take care of her and to protect her, she could do it on her own. She in more than one instance saved the lead male character and was viewed as a bit of a hero even though we are still weary of her because of certain actions. I actually really enjoyed this game. Between the movie like story line and life like characters, and on top of the fact that the woman is not portrayed as a victim i am considering buying it. I think this is proof that video games aren't just games and can really break out and be main stream.
I enjoyed that there was a female role in this game, because I could relate. In my opinion, I was emotional involved in this game because of the graphics and the storyline. Everything in this game look realistic.