Monday, November 23, 2009

The Sims

This article while being very entertaining presented many good points. The main one being when we create avatars like in the sims, and the power that we feel that comes along with it. We feel like the all mighty creator who is in charge of everything. Especially when you model characters after yourself and you family, when something goes wrong?? WATCH OUT because 9 times out of ten you are going to be upset with that person who messed up. Feeling all powerful because you can control everything can be a good thing and a bad thing. Its a good thing because you can have control over this virtual world when in reality we dont have control over much of anything. Its a bad thing because, lets face it, that will carry on into your personal life and may cause problems. You can control things in the sims like what someone will look like and when they will eat and when they will use the bathroom. You are the puppet master- i think in a sense it really fulfills some fantasies people have of being in control. And just think you can total control of everyone and everything you create in the Sims in the comfort of your living room.

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