Friday, September 11, 2009

The Culture of Power

Ahhhh the culture of power, something we very conveniently forget exists. Although we choose to live in our very comfortable bubble and carry on our daily lives thinking of only OUR problems does not mean that a culture of power does not exist. Lets be honest here- if you have not notcied that their is a culture of power wether it have to do with religion, gender, or ethnicity, it is probably because you ARE in that culture of power. Men, whites, Christian, these are all a culture of power. Just like we read in the article we all have atleast one trait about us that puts us in the majorirty and not in the margins. For example, although I am female and hispanic and that already margianlizes me, I am Chrisitan which makes me part of the majority. Most people do not even realize that this sort of thing exists because ethey are so comfortable. The truth is that the people who chose to be comfertable and chose not to walk in someone else's shoes will never help fix this.
The people who are maginalized like Jews, women, african americans etc. constantly feel the fact that they arent good enough and the majority has all the power, control, and respect. Everyone ignores the people whjo are off in the sidelines because as a society we automatically write them off-they scream and we dont hear nor listen to what they are saying, simply because we have put it in our minds that they dont know what they are talking about. It is up to us to stand up and fight for them. It is up for us to try and walk in their shoes and realize that not everyones life is as comfertable as us. Society will listen to the "in-group" it is in our hands to fight for the people who go unseen and unheard because of what WE have labeled them.
This sort of thing can be seen everywhere- even videogames. Usually in videogames the "good guy" is in fact a white male. The white male is either fighting against terrorists who are middle eastern or hispanics. The culture of power is defiantly seen in video games! We are so programmed to think that white males are in charge and anyone who is not white is less worthy we even have it in our video games. Although people do not notice this sort of thing, the fact of the matter is that it is in our videogames ans subconsiously we are confirming what societies rules seem to be. From a child when you are playing videogames it gets burned into your brain that the white guy is the good guy and that everyone else is the bad guy. How must the people who are maginalized feel when they see in video games that they are being depicted as the bad guy? The people who are in the culture of power never have to grapple with feelings like that because they are ALWAYS the good guy.
We must become more aware of ourselves in everyday life, in the media, and in our videogames. We must consider how others must feel when they are not the majority that is accepted, respected, and have all the power. Maybe once we are able to actually see life thru someone else's eyes we will be able to change things. The sad truth is that change is only going to come if the culture of power takes charge and starts changing the way things are. I am not optomisitc seeing that in this world is kill or be killed and in that sense everyone is looking out for themselves and do not care for people


  1. Yes, I do agree with the point that you stated how in video gaming white male are more dominiate and are basically the good guy. It is true how we as individuals should wonder how the other who are marginalized feel towards other who are repected and accepted in sociey highly. In the movie EXtistenz, one will also see that Caucisan male are more dominiant than females. I do not agree with one reace recieving more power than the other races, because that is unfair.

  2. I agree with the fact that most characters in video games are white males. Those who play the villains are either Hispanic or Black (Grand Theft Auto). However, I believe that we are starting to see a shift in this. At least in respect to the presence of women in video games. "Lara Croft: Tom Raider" comes to mind. Maybe it is because more women are now working in creating video games. Is that really the reason? On the other hand, the image we get of her is extremely sexualized, which automatically makes me assume that it was created by a man.

    Jorge Tavarez
