Yes, this article was long.... real long.... but it was interesting. I really enjoyed how it went through the different theories. I really did learn new things and had several A-HA! moments. One of my A-HA moments was when the article discussed Christmas. In December it is EVERYWHERE. Music, decorations, xmas trees etc. I never thought to think what do people who do not celebrate Christmas feel during this time of year. There are other holidays in December that i knew of, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah but I never once thought of how they felt when all they see is santa claus and almost no recognition of their holidays.
I like how in the article it discussed the different theories. I liked to see all the different aspects and things it took to mold ones beliefs and how those are created. I particularly enjoyed the liberation theory. I know we as a society keep people down and almost make it impossible for them to rise up and be what they want-but everyone has the potential to! We CAN unlearn all the false information and biast that we have picked up in our lives. It is easy to learn yet really hard to unlearn. I also like the point made that it is a life long process. I appreciated that-because we all have our thoughts of certain people but through this process we can help break the cycle of oppression which we live under.
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