I never thought I would be blogging about star trek but here I am! I think the message was loud and clear of the episode let that be your battlefield. Hate in the end will consume you and all around you. Loki and The commissioner were blinded by their hate for each other's people. They were so blinded that they couldn't see that they were the same-of course with similarities but we all have similarities. If i heard and watched correctly, they called each other half white and half black while they were fighting- it was an insult, but in realty BOTH of the are half white and half black, but once again they were to consumed to come to terms with that. The commissioner has the ability to close his eyes and use his will to do what he wants. To bad he does not take advantage of that power to banish all hate and oppression. But just like people who oppress and hate now, why give up what they feel is power?
Biel had what looked like a collar around his neck. That in a way stood out to me. It symbolized to me all the people who keep our society chained up under the cycle of oppression. People's ignorance makes me so mad- i wish they would just let things go, yes we are different colors, genders, and so one but in the end we are people-people who love and feel like you and me. Maybe, we will reach a point like it was mentioned in the show that oppression does not exist anymore-that only went on thousands of years ago, but its just something we read in history books now.