Its funny, I created my Me and had a good time doing it. The other day, my husbands friends were over and happened to see, well., Me! They were dumbfounded. They couldnt believe that the Me itself captured who i am about. My cousin on the other hand, thought I should have gone a completely different direction. his reason was, if you are going to create your self in a virtual reality world go big or go home! Be goth, be a rocker, be a prep! be anything BUT yourself! that got me to thinking of how many people really do express themselves over virtual reality games. Its being able to be someone who you want to be but are to afraid to be in this reality. I never felt the need to really express myself in that way, but I think im going to give it a sot-it can be really freeing i think. I usually create avatars that represent me, in a sense ive have always thought, well its me why would i lie? why would i be someone else? but now, with my cousins input i understand why so many people are turning to games like the sims or even the WII!